Mindfulness with Mike
Mindfulness with Mike
Helping you stay calm & centred.
Service Description
Come and join Mike for fortnightly Mindfulness sessions. Mike regularly attends the Clear Water Mindfulness Sangha on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month and see's there is room to grow to become weekly sessions. Mike will be holding the fort on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month. There will be less focus on the Buddhist aspects of mindfulness. Mike says: "I have grown increasingly frustrated with my own inability to make sufficient time available to practise something that I have found incredibly helpful in my life. For that reason, I decided to start Wimborne Mindfulness Group to assist not just my personal growth but the personal growth of others with an interest in mindfulness who want to make changes in their lives. This is not a commercial or business venture and is run on a voluntary basis. I am more than happy for anyone to contribute to meetings and encourage active participation. I hope it will become our group rather than my group once we get started. Meetings take place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month commencing 1 May 2024 at the LeAnanda Yoga Studios. Arrive from 19.15 onwards for a 19.30 start. A typical meeting will run for approximately 60-90 minutes. Please come along and give it a try. Additional information can be found at Wimbornemindfulness.co.uk where you can also register your interest in attending. If you have any questions, please check out the website FAQ or email me via the Contact page on the website. Thank you. Suggested minimum donation £5 pp, payable directly to the facilitator.

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
You can manage your own cancellations and re-book through the member login section of the website at the top right of the page or through the fit by wix app. You can also re-schedule classes here to. Cancellations and re-schedule must be 6hrs before the class start time. If you cancel anything less than 6hrs before the start of the class you will not be credited or refunded. We appreciate unexpected matters occur from time to time, if you can’t make it to class, please LOG IN to cancel your space so someone else can have it. We cannot issue credits for last-minute cancellations. Due to the nature of our booking system (like most) we incur a fee from a banking merchant every time you buy a class or class pass, this also applies every time we issue you a refund. We will issue a refund only if there is no chance of you coming back to the studio and a class credit is not acceptable. Please email us to let us know if this is the case.
Contact Details
West Borough, Wimborne BH21 1PT, UK